Oftaial Plus
Lacrimal Dysfunction
Oftaial Plus is a hypotonic solution intended for instillation on the ocular surface or on contact lenses, especially in the presence of symptoms of “dry eye”, thanks to its high content of sodium hyaluronate (0.4%) and to the presence of salts such as magnesium and potassium.
Packagin: a box of Oftaial Plus comprises 15 resealable vials of 0.6 ml / 1 x 10 ml multi-dose, preservative-free bottle
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Oftaial Plus humidifies and lubricates the ocular surface and reduces the risk of instability of the tear film. In addition, the specific features of the composition of Oftaial Plus involves the presence of taurine, the most abundant amino acid physiologically present in the tear fluid and generally in all tissues of the anterior segment of the eye. Various studies show that the presence of taurine increases the percentage of cells that survive in conditions of hyperosmolarity. Hyperosmolarity, in the tear film, is associated with the onset of “dry eye” symptoms.