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Myopia is a very common vision defect that leads to blurred vision of images from a distance; in myopic patients, near vision can be good.

Myopia occurs when the focus of the images does not fall on the retina (as it does in the normal eye), but in front of the retina, thus causing blurred vision of distant objects.

Together with astigmatism and hypermetropia, myopia belongs to the group of ametropias (disorders relating to the refraction of the eye).

The causes of myopia can be both genetic and environmental, i.e. lifestyle-related.

Myopia generally occurs from childhood and tends to increase during the developmental period, with the disorder “stabilising” around 20-25 years of age (unless there are particular eye diseases).

Myopia is conventionally measured in dioptres: mild myopia is defined as requiring correction with lenses up to 3 dioptres, moderate myopia from 3 to 6 dioptres and high myopia over 6 dioptres. Lens power (often called “gradation”) should not be confused with visual acuity (i.e. how small are the details of an object that can be perceived by one eye), which in distance vision is measured in “tenths”. For example, a person with mild myopia, wearing the appropriate glasses to compensate for his or her defect, can see up to the last line of the commonly used chart for assessing maximum visual acuity (ten/tenths).

The most common symptoms related to myopia vary depending on the severity of this vision defect, and are:

  • blurred vision from a distance;
  • fatigue and burning of the eyes;
  • necessity to squint to see more clearly;
  • headaches;
  • difficulty in night vision.

It is very important to have regular check-ups at an ophthalmologist from an early age and, if this sight defect is detected, to correct it as soon as possible in order to reduce the symptoms described.

Ialuvit-en Idroflog-en Miopia-en
Pathology image


Myopia is diagnosed during a normal eye examination.

During the examination, the specialist will subject the patient to a series of tests and will be able to check the extent of the visual impairment and schedule the appropriate periodic check-ups.

For myopic people, it is more important than for others to undergo periodic diagnostic tests, such as eye pressure measurement and fundus examination, in addition to vision measurement, as they are more at risk of developing glaucoma or retinal diseases.


Following the eye examination, the specialist will be able to establish the best treatment for each situation.

Myopia is usually corrected through the use of lenses (glasses or contact lenses). Although contact lenses can provide better visual quality than glasses, they are not tolerated by everyone and require more attention and care.

A permanent solution, as an alternative to glasses and contact lenses, is refractive surgery. In any case, it is always a good idea to discuss the best solution for your situation with your specialist.